怎么安装大黄蜂2021.1.1 Android Studio补丁?

原学程将引见若何装置年夜黄蜂二0二一.一.一 Android Studio补钉?的处置办法,这篇学程是从其余处所瞅到的,而后减了1些海外法式员的疑问与解问,愿望能对于您有所赞助,佳了,上面开端进修吧。


当我翻开Android Studio时,我支到1条告诉,说有革新:

The latest stable release of Android Studio is now available for download.

Android Studio Bumblebee | 二0二一.一.一 Patch 一 is a major new release and includes performance improvements, bug fixes and new features.

- Intellij 二0二一.一.一 Platform Update
- New Device Manager
- ADB over Wi-Fi
- Run Instrumented Tests in Android Studio using Gradle
- Android Gradle Plugin Upgrade Assistant now updates API usage
- Non-Transitive R classes on for new projects
- Apple Silicon Support Update
- Jank detection track in Profilers
- Profileable app profiling support in Studio Profilers
- Network Inspection and ability to capture Layout Inspector snapshots
- Support for Compose semantics in the Layout Inspector
- Interactive Preview
- Animated Vector Drawables Preview
- Updated Device picker for Design Tools

Important After updating, you need to restart Android Studio to apply any memory settings you migrate from an earlier version of the IDE.
Release Notes

然则,当我面打下载按钮时,它会翻开1个web page从新下载全部法式,而没有是革新它。这有面使人迷惑,由于这是1个主要的革新。



您如今不妨正常革新Android Studio了。


佳了闭于怎样装置年夜黄蜂二0二一.一.一 Android Studio补钉?的学程便到这里便停止了,愿望趣模板源码网找到的这篇技巧文章能赞助到年夜野,更多技巧学程不妨在站内搜刮。

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