本教程将介绍APNS 设备令牌是否会在创建后更改?的处理方法,这篇教程是从别的地方看到的,然后加了一些国外程序员的疑问与解答,希望能对你有所帮助,好了,下面开始学习吧。
Once created does the push notification device token ever change?
Example when the app is updated? or in any other case it can change??
From [Apple Documentation ApplePushService]2
The form of this phase of token trust ensures that only APNs generates
the token which it will later honor, and it can assure itself that a
token handed to it by a device is the same token that it previously
provisioned for that particular device—and only for that device.If the user restores backup data to a new device or reinstalls the
operating system, the device token changes.
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